Paid – Soft for Fashion Designers Best on the Market Mon, 19 Apr 2021 11:14:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Paid – Soft for Fashion Designers 32 32 RedCafe Wed, 06 Jan 2021 09:49:16 +0000 Now let's take a look at a representative ideal for newbies. RedCafe does not have many functions, only the most necessary for design, and the interface is made as simple and convenient as possible.

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Now let’s take a look at a representative ideal for newbies. RedCafe does not have many functions, only the most necessary for design, and the interface is made as simple and convenient as possible. The editor is also implemented quite simply, it contains only a few of the most necessary tools.

RedCafe Script Database

The disadvantage of the program is paid distribution and a very strict limitation of the free version. Its owners cannot save projects and send them to print. This approach obliged the developers to use the site, where saving and printing is carried out through the user’s personal account.

Clothing editor Redcafe allows you to work with a drawing at the level of lines, points and objects, build and model clothing patterns. The program is able to set allowances for seams, make gradation and dilution of patterns. Patterns can be scaled, changed, moved. The program also allows you to digitize paper patterns, patterns from books and magazines. Redcafe includes a base of standard sizes with the ability to add custom sizes. This editor has two paid versions. The first one costs 19,950 rubles and includes the entire set of necessary functions. The second version is supplemented with a database of professional patterns for industries and ateliers, its price is 29,950 rubles. A free version of the program is also available for download on the site, but printing patterns when using this version will be paid.

The site has detailed video tutorials and a description of the program’s functionality, and the blog contains examples of patterns, master classes on designing, modeling and sewing women’s, men’s and children’s clothing.

Features of the complex

The interface of the program cannot be called complicated or confusing, but even experienced users in their reviews sometimes complain about the high threshold of entry. Nevertheless, the complex can be mastered quite quickly, because the developer has provided a lot of training materials in both text and video formats. So there shouldn’t be any serious problems here.

Users speak very warmly about the Leko complex. It greatly facilitates routine work and automates the process of creating clothes. The programs do not have any critical flaws, and the problems that have arisen are rather quickly solved by patches and updates.

Distinctive features of the programs

In addition, the Leko complex can be called one of the most undemanding products, among other similar software. For the program to work correctly, you need about 50 MB of free hard disk space, 4 GB of RAM and a mid-range processor.

Products are distributed under a paid license, where the basic version will cost 70 thousand rubles, the advanced version – 100, and the full version – 170 thousand. There are also trial options with limited functionality and without the ability to print.

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Julivi Mon, 09 Nov 2020 10:05:02 +0000 Another widely demanded program for clothing patterns from the developer Saprlegprom. The latter offers several comprehensive solutions for sewing industries. The developer's product list includes applications for both 2D and 3D design.

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Another widely demanded program for clothing patterns from the developer Saprlegprom. The latter offers several comprehensive solutions for sewing industries. The developer’s product list includes applications for both 2D and 3D design.

The program for sewing clothes can build patterns from scratch using any known technique and in various dimensional variations: CMEA, “Müller”, EMKO, etc. There are sensible presets for allowances, auto-grading by size, cuts, as well as the ability to create designs for individual figure.

In short, there is always something among the products of this developer that will best suit your sewing direction. Even if you have some specific requests through and through, managers will always meet halfway and consider individual wishes, which the programmers will subsequently take care of. Naturally, for a separately agreed fee.

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Leko Sat, 31 Oct 2020 09:44:38 +0000 Leko provides several modes of operation, and each one has a unique set of functions and tools. First, the initial dimensional characteristics are selected, the type of model is indicated, after which a pattern is created and a move to the editor takes place, which allows you to perform basic actions.

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Leko provides several modes of operation, and each one has a unique set of functions and tools. First, the initial dimensional characteristics are selected, the type of model is indicated, after which a pattern is created and a move to the editor takes place, which allows you to perform basic actions.

Leko Dimensional Feature Editing

The user can fully edit the pattern, manage algorithms, use the catalog of models. The interface may seem a little complicated for a beginner, but the program is completely in Russian, which will help you get used to it faster. Leko is distributed free of charge and can be downloaded from the official site.

The Leko complex was developed by a domestic company and also includes products of different levels and directions. The simplest – the basic version – is quite suitable for small or just starting sewing business organizations and enterprises.

It includes tools for creating standard and individual projects, where you can set any arbitrary dimensions. Here you can designate manual lines, select the layout of patterns for subsequent printing, or create complex grids for several dimensions and heights.

The advanced version adds marking of patterns, the formation of seam allowances and other tools necessary for a medium-duty conveyor. A complete modification includes all the necessary functionality for automating the work of large sewing enterprises with a ready-made database.

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GRAFIS Tue, 07 Jul 2020 10:01:39 +0000 This is one of the best programs for clothing patterns in Russian from the German developer GRAFIS Software (Dr. K. Friedrich GbR). The software specializes in the automation of sewing production and workshops.

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This is one of the best programs for clothing patterns in Russian from the German developer GRAFIS Software (Dr. K. Friedrich GbR). The software specializes in the automation of sewing production and workshops.

The utility pleases with a simple and intuitive interface, where getting lost is quite difficult, especially for an experienced seamstress. In addition, this program for creating clothing patterns is in Russian and with a fully localized help section. The latter is rather big, so beginners will have to spend some time learning the basic functionality.

“Graphis” showed itself perfectly in working with the main set of products: skirts, hats, shirts, shoulder bases, jeans, industrial clothes, etc. The program for constructing patterns allows you to automatically set allowances, to carry out gradation for some dimensional characteristics and make the layout of the project for details.

Product development stages in apparel design programs

  1. Creation of the basic design of the product.
  2. Constructive modeling (modification of parts of the basic structure).
  3. Gradation of patterns in accordance with the size range.
  4. Construction of the layout of the patterns.
  5. Printing the finished result.

After developing the details of the pattern (if it is necessary to sew several samples of the product of different sizes):

  • gradation of patterns in accordance with the size range;
  • building a layout of patterns;
  • the finished pattern is printed.

Product features

Almost all professional users leave flattering reviews about the product and its capabilities. For beginners, even despite the simplicity of the interface, it may turn out to be somewhat complicated, but experts deal with all the nuances, as they say, at once.

As for the system requirements, the developer strongly recommends working with the utility on more or less powerful machines – i5 from Intel or Ryzen 5 from AMD with at least 8 GB of RAM. Otherwise, the process of creating patterns can be significantly delayed. The program for sewing clothes takes just over 200 MB, and here it is also recommended to use high-speed SSD drives to further speed up the layout procedure.

The product is distributed under a paid license, but the cost is determined by the developer himself based on some factors. That is, there is no specific price tag in the public domain. For those who want to try the utility, there is a trial period, after which it will be necessary to send a semblance of a questionnaire to the developer, and he will already announce the final cost.

The design system “GRAFIS” is aimed at covering the interests of both beginners and experienced designers through several possible work algorithms. The first option is the design of patterns and modeling of the foundations existing in the program. The second is the independent development of basic structures according to the preferred method. All developments, whether they are modifications to existing ones in memory or newly created structures, can be saved in the base library. Also in “GRAFIS” there are bases of ready-made structural elements and parts (hoods, cuffs, collars, pockets, etc.), which at the modeling stage can be built into the pattern with automatic correction of all necessary calculations.

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